Auxano® Research
Scientifically Grounded, Outcome Driven
Strong Roots, Disciplined Approach
With a combined experience of over 75 years in the orthopedic industry, the Auxano® Medical team is very familiar with a broad range of orthopedic device design and the importance of research in making impactful products. This has led to a great investment of time and effort spent investigating the Auxano® surface morphology on different materials and within various animal models. It is felt that this commitment has proven the unique opportunity awaiting the novel technology in orthopedic product development and applications. Dating back to 2017, Auxano® has been featured in 2 publications, 8 presentations, and 7 posters. Publications were featured in the respected Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, while presentations and posters were presented at some of the country’s top orthopedic conferences.


Supporting Subheading

The effect of a novel pillar surface morphology and material composition demonstrates uniform osseointegration

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (November 2021)

In-Vivo response to a novel pillared surface morphology for osseointegration in an ovine model

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (July 2021)


Supporting Subheading

An Introduction to Controlled Surface Morphologies and the Hard Tissue Response

International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (April 2018)

An Introduction to Controlled Surface Morphologies and the Hard Tissue Response

State of Spine Think Tank (June 2018)

In-vivo Response to a Discrete, Marco-Scale Surface Morphology Enabling Continuous Bony In-Growth: Effects of Surface Variations and Implant Material Composition

Spine Society of Australia (April 2019)

Results of In-vivo Testing of a Novel Macro-Scale Osseointegration Surface Morphology

PEEK Symposium (April 2019)

Bone-Implant Stiffness and Load Sharing During Bone Ingrowth into a Novel Surface Topology

Orthopaedic Research Society (February 2019)

Biomechanically Tuning the Strength and Stiffness of an Open Pillar Implant Interface

Combined UHMWPE, PEEK & Polymer Implant Additive Manufacturing Conference (June 2022)

A Pillar Based, Macro-Scale, Osseointegrative Interface with Variable Biomechanics Based on Material Composition and Pillar Geometry

33rd Congress of the International Society for Technology In Arthroplasty (September 2022)

System for High-Precision Biomechanical Testing of Motions of Multiple Small Bones in Close Anatomic Proximity

33rd Congress of the International Society for Technology In Arthroplasty (September 2022)

Using Digital Image Correction to Track Joint Fusion Micromotion in 6 Degrees of Freedom

33rd Congress of the International Society for Technology In Arthroplasty (September 2022)


Supporting Subheading

Osseointegration of Novel Macro-Structured Implant Surface

Orthopaedic Research Society (March 2017)

Effects of Materials on Osseointegration into a Novel Macro Scale Surface Morphology

Orthopaedic Research Society (February 2019)

Osseointegration into Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene Utilizing an Open, Macro-Scale Surface Morphology

Orthopaedic Research Society (February 2022)

Accurate Segmentation and Normalization of μCT Data from In-Vivo Testing of A Macro-Scale Pillar Morphology

Orthopaedic Research Society (February 2022)

Method And Hardware for Minimally Invasive, High-Precision Motion Tracking of Small Bones

Orthopaedic Research Society (February 2022)

Benefits and Pitfalls of Tracking Joint Fusion Micromotion in 6DOF using Digital Image Correlation

Orthopaedic Research Society (February 2022)

Automated Finite Element Modeling Approach for Investigating a Range of Implant Surface Topologies

Orthopaedic Research Society (February 2023)

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