A New Paradigm of Orthopedic Surface Morphology

A New Paradigm of Orthopedic Surface Morphology

Empowered By Science, Defined By Results.

Step into the Future

Designed to benefit both the patient and surgeon, Auxano® Medical has created the Auxano® surface morphology to prioritize patient healing and comfort, while giving surgeons the confidence that their orthopedic procedures will have the intended outcome. The fully engineered solution establishes a continuous fixation interface for bone that creates an efficient stress transfer region and leads to strong primary and secondary fixation. These benefits, along with compatibility to a range of fabrication techniques and surface technologies, allow optimization of the surface morphology to bring together the best features that bone-implant interface technology has to offer. Auxano® Medical strives to be the leader in osseointegration surface design and is open to collaboration on innovative orthopedic products. As a platform technology, Auxano® is now being integrated into its first orthopedic devices, beginning in the foot and ankle.

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